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Collaborative Reflection

Writer's picture: grace mcknightgrace mcknight

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

Fig 1

Group Growth

From last week struggles, this week has been more organised when discussing our individual tasks, it was clear that some members weren’t understanding the concept. This proved challenging with one graphics member missing, both were now way behind, and the others and I could now not progress. After lengthy discussions the leaders decided to do some branding research and sending it to them hoping this would make them push on with some more in keeping development.

Personal Growth

This week for me was really a collaborative week. The animator, communication promoter and I really enjoyed sharing our work and openly discussing each other’s progress. It has also helped with key feedback which has further developed our work. By having other disciplines perspectives posed many questions I had not thought of. I had only realised by sharing my progress that there were some flaws that needed to be addressed for the space to work.

It was also humbling to see that our work was becoming cohesive with a similar narrative, aesthetics and level of quality. From previous weeks suggestions made by me such as the Hygge book had then influenced a certain piece done by another member.

Fig 2

Reflecting on the very first two blogs I had realised that I had discovered a new me. Before this module had begun, I was very quiet, tended not to be bold, always followed the path. In comparison to now, where I’ve stepped up, taken the Co-lead role and become that ‘Resourcer’ that Dr Leigh Morland said was imperative, I have surprised myself and found a new hidden confidence, that has not only been seen by myself, but, S.Poulter has commented on in our feedback sessions.


This week’s research focused on the interior and from feedback by the group to re-design the initial layout. With a now set exterior, the challenge was to find a way of fitting everything in and not let it become suffocating. A book gifted by a client called Feng Shui by S.Rossbach proved vital in the spacial planning research. From this I designed a new interior layout. The ground floor became a social space where Post Graduate students can come together and relax and the first floor an open plan studio. From last week’s research in ‘Unlabelled’ blog allowed me to truly let the space evolve and play with texture and wayfinding. Feng Shui is an ancient traditional practice; by understanding Vukić perspective on tradition allowed me to find that balance of both practices evolving the space to become playful yet have this sense of purpose and nostalgia that would work with the intended audience without forcing one dominant style.

Fig 3

If you wish to read S.Rossbach's Book please find link below.

Illustration list
Fig 1: Fix the Photo. (n.d.). Cloning Yourself (or Аnything!) [edited photograph]. Fix the Photo.
Fig 2: Fix the Photo. (n.d.). Mirror Photography [edited photograph]. Fix the Photo.
Fig 3: Rossbach, S. R. (2000). Interior Design with Feng Shui (1st ed.). unknown.

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